The Greatest Story on Self Realisation

Hey there, I'm Sri Vishwanath, and welcome to episode 16 of the Ask Sri Vishwanath Vedanta Show.

Today's question is from Joshua in New York. He's curious about something many ponder: "What is Vedanta?" He's been with us for a while now.

Vedanta is the wellspring of all spiritual teachings – imagine it as the vast ocean.

Here's the catch: where all other teachings conclude, that's precisely where Vedanta starts.

According to Vedanta, you can pursue whatever you desire under the sun; if you haven't encountered Vedanta, your journey has just begun.

So, every teaching from every religion, any form of yoga or meditation, stems from Vedanta.

It's said that where all teachings end, Vedanta begins.

Let me share a simple story with you.


An 8-year-old explains Atman to an 80-year-old.

Adi Shankaracharya, a gifted child, encounters an 80-year-old seeking enlightenment.

The elder admits his weak intellect, requesting a simple explanation of how to attain Atman.

Adi Shankaracharya agrees, posing several questions.


How to love yourself?

Everyone has a degree of self-love.

Even when you think you hate yourself, it's really the parts that you don't appreciate about yourself that you detest.

Yet, what you love about yourself isn't truly you.

Sure, your positive traits, achievements, dedication, discipline, and success are all admirable.

But they aren't what loving yourself is about.


How to wipe out all your previous bad karma? Shankaracharya answers

A follower once approached Shankaracharya with a question,

"Is there a way to erase all of my past wrongdoings?"

Shankaracharya responded,

"The key thing to know is that bad karma can only be eliminated by experiencing its effects. All that it does is give you pain.

Here are three ways to better manage this: